Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Governance Without Benefit

I’ve been writing about IT governance for many years now. At the time I started writing about governance, the subject did not attract much attention in IT, particularly in software development. This was a bit surprising given the poor track record of software delivery: year after year the Standish CHAOS reports drew attention to the fact that the majority of IT software development investments wildly exceeded spend estimates, fell short of functional expectations, were plagued with poor quality, and as a result quite a lot of them were canceled outright. Drawing attention to such poor results gave a boost to the Agile community who were pursuing better engineering and better management practices. Each is clearly important to improving software delivery outcomes, but neither addresses contextual or existential factors to investments in software. To wit: somebody has to hold management accountable for keeping delivery and operations performing within investment parameters and, if it is not, either fix the performance with or without that management or negotiate a change in parameters with investors. Governance, not engineering or management, is what addresses this class of problem.

If IT governance was a fringe activity twenty years ago, it is everywhere today: we have API governance and data governance and AI governance and on and on. Thing is, there is no agreement as to what governance is. Depending on who you ask, governance is “the practice” of defining policies, or it “helps ensure” things are built as expected, or it “promotes” availability, quality and security of things built, or it is the actual management of availability, quality and security. None of these definitions are correct, though. Governance is not just policy definition. Terms like “promote” and “helps ensure” are weasel words that imply “governance” is not a function held accountable for outcomes. And governance intrinsically cannot be management because governance is a set of actions with concomitant accountability that are specifically independent of management.

That governance is still largely a sideline activity in IT is no surprise. For years, ITIL was the go-to standard for IT governance. ITIL defines consistent, repeatable processes rooted in “best practices”. The net effect is that ITIL defines governance as “compliance”. As long as IT staff follow ITIL consistent processes, IT can’t be blamed for any outcome that resulted from its activity: they were, after all, following established “best practices.” As there is not a natural path from self-referential CYA function to essential organizational competency, it is unrealistic to expect that IT governance would have found one by now.

I’ve long preferred applying the definition of corporate governance to IT governance. Corporate governance boils down to three activities: set expectations, hire managers to pursue those expectations, and verify results. When expectations aren’t met, management is called to task by the board and obliged to fix things. If expectations aren’t met for a long period of time, the managers hired to deliver them have to go or the expectations have to go. And if expectations aren’t met after that, the board goes. Before it gets to anything so drastic, governance has that third obligation, to “verify results.” Good governance sources data independently of management by looking directly at artifacts and constructing analyses on that data. In this way, good governance has early warning as to whether expectations are in jeopardy or not, and can assess management’s performance independently of management’s self-reporting. Governance is not “defining policies” or “helping to ensure” outcomes; governance is actively involved in scrutinizing and steering and has the authority to act on what it has learned.

Governance is concerned with two questions: are we getting value for money, and are we receiving things in accordance with expectations. Multiple APIs that do the same thing, duplicative data sources that don’t reconcile, IT investments that steamroll their business cases, all make a mockery of IT governance. We’ve got more IT “governance” than we’ve ever had, yet all too often it just doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do.

I’m picking up the topic of IT governance again because it does not appear to me that the state of IT governance is materially better than it was two decades ago, and this deserves attention. Soon after I started down this path, I thought it would be helpful to have a governance “maturity model.” No, the world does not need another maturity model, let alone one for an activity that is largely invisible and only conspicuous when it fails or simply isn’t present. It doesn’t help that good governance does not guarantee a better outcome, nor that poor governance does not guarantee a bad outcome. Governance is a little too abstract, difficult to describe in simple and concrete terms, and subsequently difficult for people to wrap their heads around. That, in turn, renders any “maturity model” an academic exercise at best.

Still, there is room for something that characterizes all this governance on an IT estate and frames it as an agent for good or bad. That is, in the as practiced state, is governance of this activity (say, API or appdev) materially reducing or increasing exposure to a bad outcome. That’s a start.

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Dear readers,

I took extended leave from work last year, and decided to also take a break from writing the blog. I’m back.

Also, I do want to apologize that I’ve been unable all of these years to get this site to support https. It’s supposed to be a simple toggle in the Google admin panel to enable https, but for whatever reason it has never worked, which I suspect has to do with the migration of the blog from Blogger into Google. Despite admittedly tepid efforts on my part, I've not found a human who can sort this out at Google. I appreciate your tolerance.